Fighting in Hockey is very common. Fighting among hockey coaches though, is something you do not see every day. Now there is a new viral video going around that shows exactly that. A Russian hockey coach appears to beat of his assistant as the kids on both teams stand by and watch.
The game appears to be a very young age group as the children involved are all quite short and their jerseys cover parts of their pants. It is hard to say for sure how old they are, but clearly the adults in the room should not be throwing fists in front of them. Unfortunately though, there wasn't really anything they could do as the on-ice officials stepped in to try and break them up.
Hopefully the kids on these teams don't get any ideas from their coaches and start beating each other up after the game. Fighting in this league itself is most likely banned, given the age group and full face cages. Fighting as a whole at this point seems like an antiquated way of playing hockey anyways. Many now believe that leagues around the world should take steps to end the practice altogether as fighting only ever leads to players suffering long-term health consequences.