"Based on the evidence provided to the IIHF Disciplinary Board by the involved parties, a six-month suspension from playing at the club level (which shall be served upon his return from the NHL to any club under/within an IIHF Member National Federation jurisdiction) has been issued against Ivan Fedotov for his continued violation of his SPC and complete disregard for the IIHF's original four-month suspension.
Further with regards to the transfer violation, the International Ice Hockey Federation Disciplinary Board decided to implement a three-year suspension on Ivan Fedotov from playing in all IIHF Competitions as defined in Bylaw 1, which will include the Olympic Games.
Accordingly, and following the Russian Ice Hockey Federation (RIHF) transfer violation, a 1,000,000 CHF (one million Swiss Francs) fine has been addressed to RIHF."