Scott Arniel sets standard in opening remarks as Jets new coach

Marvin Azrak
May 28, 2024  (5:32 PM)

Scott Arniel, Winnipeg Jets
Photo credit: TSN

As the new head coach of the Winnipeg Jets, Scott Arniel stepped up to the podium on Monday to share his thoughts and plans for the team.

It's a big responsibility, especially considering he's taking over from Rick Bowness, who recently retired.
Arniel's coaching career didn't just start overnight. He has deep roots in Winnipeg, both as a player and a coach. He kicked off his playing days with the Jets back in 1981 and later transitioned into coaching, starting as an assistant with the Manitoba Moose. Winnipeg holds a special place in his heart—it's where he met his wife and raised his family.
One thing Arniel emphasized in his remarks is the importance of young players in today's NHL. With the salary cap and all, you really need those young guns to step up and make an impact.
Scott Arniel says young players are «vital in this day and age with the salary cap»
«You need your young guys to step in and help you»

He also said they need to make sure that the young players are ready for their opportunity, and make sure that they have earned it.

Scott Arniel takes responsibility for the PK taking a step back last year.

He said wants to keep the 5v5 structure in tact while improving the special teams. Power play included.

Says the top teams all have really good special teams.

Jets GM Kevin Cheveldayoff saying the process of finding a new head coach was different this time.

He said they formally interviewed three coaches (Scott Arniel included).

Said the interview with Arniel was most in-depth.

«New head coach in Winnipeg Scott Arniel speaking to what he's learned from his time in Columbus.

Said he's re-branded himself.

Said it's helped reshape how he wants to coach, how he wants to do things.

He also took responsibility for the team's penalty kill performance last season. Arniel's focused on maintaining a strong 5v5 structure while improving the special teams—power play included. He knows that top teams in the league have great special teams.
Arniel's humility stood out. He's not afraid to acknowledge his past shortcomings, like his time with the Columbus Blue Jackets, where things didn't go as planned. Yet, he's learned from those experiences and he's ready to write a new chapter with the Jets.
28 MAI   |   165 ANSWERS
Scott Arniel sets standard in opening remarks as Jets new coach

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